While traditional energy sources such as coal, oil are running out and supplies are unstable, many sources of energy are being considered and especially solar energy. So what does solar energy have to do to replace traditional energy sources?

Solar energy consists of light and heat radiation from the sun, which has been exploited by humans since ancient times. Solar radiation, along with the secondary resources of solar energy such as wind and heat, water and biomass, make up most of the renewable energy available on Earth. So far, only a very small fraction of solar energy has been used.
Solar power means generating electricity based on heat and photovoltaic cells. The potential of solar energy is limited only by human wisdom. Some of the applications of solar energy in today’s life include water distillation and disinfection, daylight illumination, water heaters solar energy, cooking with solar energy. In order to collect solar energy, the most common way is to use solar panels.

Solar energy technology is widely described as either passive solar or active solar energy depending on how they capture, convert and distribute solar energy. Active solar engineering involves the use of photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to harness the power. Passive solar techniques include orienting a building towards the sun, choosing materials with favorable heat mass or dispersed light property, and designing natural air space .
Why should we use solar energy?

Reduce electricity bill

Not dependent on electricity supplier

Reduce the use of fossil fuels

Preventing environmental pollution
1. Replicability
Solar power is a renewable energy source, unlike fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, which are irreplaceable. According to NASA calculations, the sun could provide us with energy for another 6.5 billion years.
2. Abundance
The potential of solar energy is enormous – each day, the Earth’s surface receives 120,000 terawatts (TW) of sunlight, 20,000 times more than human needs worldwide (1TW = 1,000 billion W).
3. Sustainable and endless supply
Solar energy is endless, surplus to meet the energy needs of mankind, enough for many generations to come.
4. Availability
Solar energy can be received and used anywhere in the world – not only in the equatorial region but also in the high latitudes of the north and south. Germany, for example, is currently taking the world’s lead in using solar energy and plans to make the most of this potential.
5. Ecological cleanliness
Recent trends in the fight for clean-up of the earth’s environment, solar power is the most promising area that can replace some of the energy from non-renewable fuels and It plays an important role in protecting the environment from global warming. The production, transportation, installation and operation of solar power plants basically does not release toxic gases into the atmosphere. Even with a small amount of emissions, compared to traditional sources, this amount is negligible.
6. No noise
In fact, the production of solar energy does not use the same kind of engines as in generators, so generating electricity does not make noise.
7. High efficiency, low operating costs
Switching to solar panels, households will get a substantial savings in their budget. Maintenance and maintenance of household solar power systems requires very little cost – in a year, you only need to clean the solar panels a few times and they will always be The manufacturer guarantees a period of up to 20-25 years.
8. Widely applied
The widespread use of solar energy – the supply of electricity in areas not connected to the national grid (even in highly developed countries such as the US, Russia and France). the remote area is called “electric blindness”); Used to desalin in seawater in many African countries, freshwater scarcity and even the supply of energy to orbiting satellites in the Earth. Solar power has recently been called “public power,” reflecting the simplicity of integrating solar power into the home’s electricity supply system, parallel to electricity or electricity from other sources.
9. Advanced technology
The technology of producing solar cells is getting better every day – thin film modules are introduced directly into the material from the initial stage. Japan’s Sharp Group is also a solar-cell manufacturer, presenting an innovative system of energy storage elements for window glass. The latest achievements in the field of nanotechnology and quantum physics allow us to expect three times as much capacity increase of solar panels as today.
1. High cost
It is argued that solar power belongs to expensive energy – this is perhaps the most controversial issue in using this energy source. Since home solar energy storage requires substantial amounts of money at an early stage, many countries encourage the use of clean energy sources by lending credit to make or Rent solar panels under tenancy agreements.
2. Unstable
There is a force majeure fact: at night, during cloudy days and rain, there is no sunlight, so solar energy can not be the main source of electricity. However, compared to wind power, solar power is still a more viable option.
3. High energy storage costs
The price of batteries stored solar power for power use at night or when it is not sunny is still quite high compared to the money of the majority of people. At present, solar power is unlikely to become the only source of electricity in households, which can only provide additional power to grid and other sources.
4. Still polluting the environment, though very little
Although compared to the production of other types of energy, solar electricity is more environmentally friendly, but some technological processes for making solar panels also come with the release of greenhouse gases. , trifluoride nitrogen and sulfur hexafluoride. On a large scale, the installation of solar cell fields also accounts for a large fraction of the land area allocated to vegetation and vegetation.
5. Use expensive and rare ingredients
The production of thin film solar panels requires the use of cadmium telluride (CdTe) or gallium selenide indium (CIGS) – very rare and expensive substances, which leads to increased costs.
6. Low energy density
One of the most important parameters of solar power is the average power density, measured in W / m2 and described by the amount of electricity that can be obtained from a unit of energy area. This index for solar power is 170 W / m2 – more than other renewable sources, but lower than oil, gas, coal and nuclear power. For this reason, to generate 1kW of electricity from solar heat requires a relatively large area of solar panels.
10 largest solar power plants in the world
(Click the image for details)